Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ooooh, Saturday!

This picture will become relevant later in the post...

But for now, ahhh, Saturday night, how I love thee. N&S came by earlier to come up with a "secret plan" re: my parent's 50th birthdays, then I talked to D on the phone for a few hours, and now I'm eating many tiny Mars bars and dancing around to "Sugar High" from Empire Records.

I know I’ve been awfully quiet on the post-front lately, but although a lot of stuff has been happening, not a single event has been bloggable. I will leave it to your imaginations to believe if it’s too boring to mention or too scandalous to put into writing. I hope you will all lean toward the “scandalous” side of things ;)

I have once again been in Executive Assistant land, which is all thrills and tantrums; Much like the fashion industry, but with remarkably less-attractive people. I believe one of the construction workers behind me Friday didn’t “measure twice, cut once” because he was swearing a blue streak… no, worse than a blue streak… more like a magenta streak! A whole paragraph of expletives with a vocabulary that, I daresay, would make many a sailor blush. I’m always a little impressed when someone can string together that many bad words without blinking an eye… I am neither that quick witted, nor do I know that many bad words.

Friday at
noon we had a rousing game of “Trivial Pursuit Teambuilding” at work. I’m sorry to say I only helped my group answer two questions, one of which was “Who appeared half-nude with Michael Jackson in his ‘You Are Not Alone’ video?” I said “I’m ashamed to admit I know, but it’s Lisa Marie Presley.” The Ex was crazy about Jacko, what can I say? How many nights did we spend watching Michael Jackson music video DVDs with friends?! HOW MANY! And also, because Jacko used my favourite Maxfield Parrish painting as a scene with the Afore-Mentioned-Half-Naked-Lisa-Marie (see painting above.) So then someone made a comment that “of course” I only knew the answers about nude people…. Yikes. “Of course.” … right in front of my boss and the president. “Of course.”

Ah well. So that's really all that's new with me.

How are all y'all?



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