Friday, June 09, 2006

Tragically Un-Hip

I'm blogging at work, which probably I'm not supposed to do, but I'm on my lunch break... If this irritates them, they can just deal with it. Nyah-Nyah.

I realised today that I'm a grown up and hideously uncool. I can't really say that I've lost my coolness, because I don't think I was ever really cool. I had followers, yes. Friends who thought I was cool, and the occasional young kid who allegedly looked up to me. I still have friends who say I'm cool, but they're weird like me, so who really knows?

Anyway, let me get to the point. My summer student. My summer student is probably in her first year at university, because she's still young and chipper and not dead inside, which happens in the 3rd year. She started working here after I did, and has managed to become friends with the other chipper girls in the office who don't really like me. I wasn't sure why they didn't like me, but I think now it's because I'm old and not cool and I over-compensate for this by being really friendly, which comes off as needy, which is even less cool than before. Oh dear.

For example, this morning I had a few very important things that needed to be done. So I asked her "when you have a second can I get your help?" and she said "sure, but I might be slow today cuz, you know, it's Friday. I can't work too hard." The rage started to bubble in the pit of my grown-up stomach at this, and as usual, I over-compensated by saying "No kidding! Well, if you could get this done as soon as possible, that would be awesome. Then relax, by all means." and then I swear to you, I flounced out of the office.... and I don't flounce. And did I just say "awesome"? Do people even say that anymore?

Am I either
a) dating myself as an Eighties Child by using prehistoric slang, or
b) becoming an old person who tries to be cool by staying on top of young people's slang, in spite of the fact that it's completely inappropriate because you aren't 19?
Either way, this isn't good. I think 26 is a difficult age. It's a little hard to see where you fit when half of your friends are married and half of them are still binge-drinking party animals. I don't fit into either category, and I can't seem to bridge the gap. I can't, because I don't "get it" because I'm not "at that point" in my life, as they say. Maybe that's why nobody seems to get me either... none of them are 26 and single and shy.

It's a little hard to think of myself as grown-up, and even worse to think of myself becoming so focused on work that the "young adult, fun-and-games" attitude makes me want to shout "OH, GROW UP!" I still feel like a kid, I still text my friends "Cya l8r, GMTA, LOL!", but then I come home at night and am in bed by 9 because I'm exhausted.

Where do I fit??? WHERE?!?


Blogger Kirsten said...

"I still have friends who say I'm cool, but they're weird like me, so who really knows?"

Are you saying I'M NOT COOL?!?! *looks around with a frantic look in her eyes*

Although reading further in your post, I'm obviously not. "Awesome" makes it into my vocabulary somewhat frequently, I'm sad to say. ;)


12:13 PM  

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