Friday, November 17, 2006

There's Good News and There's Bad News.

I’ve had sort of a stupid few weeks, but lucky for you I don’t feel inclined to discuss the gory details ;) At any rate, last night was the general meeting of Condo Owners for my building, and I was very much dreading it as the Property Manager is my arch-nemesis. I have had nothing but issues with him and his company since I bought my place, but I determined that it was probably in my best interest to attend the meeting, if for no other reason than to let him know that I am still in his face and am not backing down.

The discussion began over an old issue about the developers, and the decision was made to take them to small claims court. Were there any other issues with the developer, they asked? I stared Property Manager down. “Would the issue with my dryer not being vented count?” I asked lightly.
“Er, ah,” Quipped Property Manager.
“Your dryer isn’t vented?” asked one guy.
“Our dryers are supposed to be vented?” asked another guy!
Property Manager mumbled something about it being a “grey area” about who covered those costs and that really it was up to the Condo Board to decide. The Condo Board said “oh yes, of course we should cover it!” Motioned, Seconded, all voted in favour and SCORE!!!! I WON I WON I WON!!!!
The only rough thing that came out of the meeting was that they’re getting someone in to flush the plumbing, which will cost everyone a few hundred bucks. A few hundred bucks that I just can’t spare, especially in December. So I’m going to take Scarlett O’Hara’s approach and say:
“I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.”

The bad, BAD news is that I came home after the meeting to a very sick kitty. She won’t come out from under the bed or eat or use her box. I’m really worried about her, and want more than anything to be at home with her right now. If she’s still not better by tonight then it’s off to the emergency vet. Please send healthy vibes to my kitty and tell her to please get better.

I’ll keep you posted!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea for Gill beating the condo guy! I'm glad that it's out in the open with the other people in your building. Now, if it doesn't get done, there will be lots of people making a stink.

That's awful about Winnie though. I hope she's okay. I will think healthy thoughts for her. Keep me posted

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe your dryer isn't vented, and worse, that condo board guy didn't want to deal with it!! Good for you for bringing it to everyone's attention!

10:11 AM  

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