Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

I just got back from having dinner with D and am now toooooo full to do anything but slump in front of the computer while singing along with The Sound of Music on TV. I lead an exciting life ;)

I should be getting my presents, etc ready to go to my parent's house tomorrow as I'm staying the night. I, along with my two other single, successful, home-owner friends have unabashedly decided to sleep over at our folks' houses Christmas eve. There was just something so upsetting about the thought of waking up alone on Christmas morning. We need to be surrounded by love first thing, sleep in our old bedrooms and feel peaceful. I am SO looking forward to having breakfast with my parents, and sitting in front of the fireplace to open up our stockings. Stockings are my favourite part of Christmas because Santa (my mum) always found the most wonderful little trinkets and toys and gadgets and marvels, and it was so delightful to take turns at unwrapping those tiny miraculous things. I've gotten five little things for each of my parent's stockings this year, following suit with Santa and trying to find little treasures that I think will delight them.

I am also very much excited about Christmas dinner, although it's upsetting that Grandma B will still be in the hospital and not at our table. We'll take her little treats to the hospital, though, and try to make it a special day regardless.

What about you? What Holiday Traditions are you looking forward to the most?

Love and peace and joy to you all,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful day with your folks, and making your Grandma's day special too. :)

My favourite tradition was always getting a new ornament from Mom & Dad every year. When Hubby & I moved into our house last year, Mom sent me all of my "special ornaments", so our tree has a lot of personality, and a lot of memories now. They all have my name and the year written on them (well, not my name on the ones that are obviously for me - Strawberry Shortcake, dolls, etc). I especially love hanging up the really old ones. This may be the last year that Jeff & I will get them, but I can't wait to start that tradition with Baby!

Much love,


11:27 AM  

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