Thursday, November 23, 2006

Second Post Today! Oooh, bored much???

I saw this meme on Mocha's site, and it was cute and I was bored :)


1. Flip to page 18, paragraph 4 - in the book closest to you right now, what does it say?
"This time, before the Pirate Captain could make any meat-related promises, there was a tug on his sleeve, and he looked down to see a sooty street urchin." from "The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists" by Gideon Defoe. Excellent books!

2. If you stretch out your left arm as far as possible, what are you touching?
Why... THIN AIR!!!

3. What’s the last program you watched on TV?
"Ugly Betty"... very cute!

4. Without looking, guess what time it is.
10:15pm (oooh, 10:14... am I good or what?)

5. Aside from the computer, what can you hear right now?
Christmas Music. More specifically, the skating song from Charlie Brown.

6. When was the last time you were outside and what did you do?
Walking home from work through that blasted cold park!!! BRRRRR!

7. What are you wearing?
Navy tank top and navy plaid PJ pants... hey, it's almost bed time!

8. Did you dream last night? If you did, what about?
I did, but I don't remember what it was about. I just remember waking up at 3:30 thinking "Oooh, I gotta remember that dream!"

9. When was the last time you laughed?
Honestly? I giggled to myself all day in my cubicle about my NEW JOB!

10. What’s on the walls in the room you’re in right now?
My Alphonse Mucha calendar, my framed "Il Ragno Azzurro" poster, a bunch of mirrors and some smaller framed pictures.

11. Have you seen anything strange lately?
Not really! hmmm. Nope, I got nothin!

12. What do you think about this meme?
It's lovely, thank you.

13. What’s the last film you saw?
“Happy Feet”… wasn’t a big fan.

14. If you became a multimillionaire, what would you do with the money?
I’d buy my parents an acreage on Vancouver Island, take my whole family on a European Vacation and then go see what I could do about Darfur.

15. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
I think Weird Al is actually brilliant... there, I said it. And I know all the words to too many Britney Spears songs.... oohhh, shameful.

16. If you could change ONE THING in this world, without regarding politics or bad guilt, what would it be?
What do they mean "bad guilt" exactly? I’d make everyone more compassionate and empathetic, because I think that would fix a lot of things, like hunger and wars and nonsense.

17. Do you like dancing?
What a silly question! Of course not! I LOVE IT!

18. George Bush?
No thanks, I'm good.

19. What do you want your children’s names to be, girl/boy?
Audrey Rose for a girl and Ethan Christopher for a boy.

20. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Only every waking moment...

21. What do you want God to tell you, when you come to heaven?
That it's all going to be okay down here one day.

22. Who should do this meme?
Whoever is bored, I should think!

K, bed time! Sleep Tight!



Blogger Apartment Girl said...

You're sweet to link me, and I love your poems :)

9:42 PM  

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