Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why I Don't Care About Flat Lake, Alberta...

Honestly, my life has turned into some surreal jumble of absolute nonsense, and frankly, I'm sick of it. WHAT A STUPID WEEK! I'm going to bring a hockey stick to work one day, and y'all better stay away if you don't want to be chased down the hall.
Things have been SO strange, and SO busy, and SO unpleasant... I won't even get into it, because it's so dumb that it's not even important anymore.... So I'm writing off work and I'm going to just think about the nice things in life.... For example:
1. It's hot outside
2. It's almost the long weekend
3. I'm having my hair coloured some arrogant, unprofessional colour tomorrow
4. I'm going to play outside all weekend... unless I go to Claresholm... which I probably will... but still
5. It's almost Stampede time! Normally this wouldn't excite me, but this year I'm SO in the spirit of letting loose that I even bought a cowboy hat... oh yes... and I'm determined to have a helluvatime!!!! I may even flirt with guys and everything.... I'll keep you posted.
Alright, time to get out of the office for a bit.


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