Monday, January 01, 2007

A Fresh Start!

Ahhh, a new year, fresh beginnings, new ideas! Isn’t it exciting?

Usually I don’t do resolutions, but 2006 has been leading up to a variety of spectacular things for 2007, so here goes nothing:

Resolutions for 2007

1. Find Romance (and not run for the hills screaming when something promising shows up)

In the words of my therapist, just because one person thinks that the things you enjoy are boring or silly doesn’t mean that other people feel the same way. Thus, I am not a boring or silly person and I shouldn’t automatically assume that someone is crazy for liking those things about me. This may seem obvious to everyone else, but this is a big epiphany for me!

2. Make more spreadsheets and lists to track things like bill payments, chores, meal planning, etc so that I am less neurotic at 3am trying to remember when my phone bill is due or when I’m going to clean the bathroom.

3. DO NOT, under any circumstance, let my pile of laundry reach a terrifying and incomprehensible state. Don’t let the hamper overflow at all, in fact. This is a serious offense, with a punishment of NO READING until the laundry is under control.

4. Be more creative (aka: my brain is there for a reason.) This includes infusing more creativity into everyday tasks, and making an effort to do more creative projects, such as writing and other artsy stuff every day. This is particularly important when coupled with having lists and spreadsheets. It may not seem very creative to clean the bathroom on Tuesdays and clean the kitchen on Thursdays, but it will definitely spare me from long Sundays spent cleaning when I could be doing fun and creative things! Plus, let’s face it. If I know I have to clean the bathroom THAT NIGHT, then I will be less likely to veg on the couch all evening and will have more energy to be creative post-cleaning.

That’s all I have for now, but I think having 4 resolutions is far more realistic than having 55 anyway. One must have attainable goals, after all. Considering that all of these things ARE, in fact, things that I used to do all the time, I think it’s fairly realistic for me to expect to achieve this. Well, except the laundry thing. I’ve never really had that one down. But yes, at one point I liked boys who liked me back, and I had spreadsheets and I was artsy, and I can have that again! I CAN AND WILL! Because this is 2007, baby, and this is gonna be my year! … but y’all can share it too, I don’t mind.

Love and best wishes for 2007!!!



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