Saturday, April 15, 2006


Well, Thursday was my last day at ATCO. It was SO hard saying goodbye to everyone, I've met so many wonderful people there. The job I won't miss at all, since it was both boring AND irritating at the same time... A strange combination ;) I won't miss the insecurity and terrible pay through the temp agency, either.

I start my new, permanent job on Monday and I'm having crazy nerves about it. I'm not nervous about the job, because I've been so bored lately and am ready for a new challenge. It's just the meeting people thing that I find hard. I always go into new jobs being shy, but at least at ATCO I was working in a room full of monkeys and it was eat-or-be-eaten and simple to rise to the challenge and become a monkey myself. Now I'm just concerned that I'll be stuck in my own office and not get to know anyone... although it IS pretty exciting that I get my own office :P I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a wonderful, fabulous new job and I should be EXCITED, not nervous!!! YAY!

Alright, perhaps I should actually DO something productive with my day (blogging doesn't count) and then I won't have time to be nervous ;)



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