Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lazy Sunday

This is the first Sunday Afternoon in the longest time where I find myself with nothing to do. The Resolutions are still going strong, so my place is clean and my laundry is done and now I'm completely lost!!! Isn't there something I should be doing? So I'm making a CD and drinking excessive amounts of coffee. Heh heh. My life is thrilling.

I also switched over to the new blogger. I'm not sure I'm going to keep up with blogging, because it seems that I have very little to say lately. Probably that's just because it's January and I'm practically hibernating, but we'll see. I daresay that soon my life will get very exciting... Like today? I might tidy up my bookshelves... damn, I'm living on the edge ;)

Hmmm. What else? I was on the bus yesterday and overhead a few 14-year-olds discussing which was "sexier".... "Seeya" or "Later." Thoughts? Opinions? Their general consensus was that "seeya" was sexier. Teenagers are weird. I'm in denial that I was ever like that. When I was their age I totally walked two miles to school, uphill both ways and did my homework on the back of a shovel... or something ;)




Blogger Queen of Swords said...

The thing that I've discovered about blogging is that you don't need to have anything to say. I got caught in that trap as well. I had to be witty, or insightful, or at least interesting! But what I realized, probably when I moved, was that a weblog doesn't have to be witty or insightful all the time. But what it can be is the conversation you have with your family around the dinner table. What was my day like? How am I feeling? What am I reading? What do I want to share today? What would I say if the people I knew were reading my blog were sitting there with me right now? Today, for example, I would say that I have some stress issues and a dusty bathtub. It's not insightful, or witty, or even interesting to some people. But it's what I would tell you if we were sitting down to dinner. A weblog can be a way of talking to the people you don't see every day.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, NO! You must keep blogging! Your blog is how I find out about half of the things going on in our family. That and I hardly ever get to visit with you, so it keeps me up to date about what you are doing. Your posts are always, insightful, witty, and some other complimentary adjective I can't think of right now.

You might think stupid conversations like you overheard are a juvenile, teenagery thing, but then last night one of our thirty-something fencers taught me a new game. When you're out at the pub with your friends (and she assures me this is much more fun after you have had several pints) everyone has to come up with their own sexy celebrity sandwich. In otherwords you have to come up with celebrity pairngs you would like to be, er, sandwiched between in intimate circumstances. Of course you must pick celebrities who's personalities or other qualities are complimentary.

There, now I've just given you all something assinine to ponder for the next hour. Be sure to blog your answers!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

"The sexiness factor of casual greetings Seeya or Later"... what a WEIRD conversation.

I agree, keep blogging - you don't have to do it all the time, but it's a good way to keep in touch and share your pictures with bunches of people at a time. Think about it - would you REALLY have time to write the same email and send the same pictures to 10 people?

I think we're going to have to get a baby blog or something - uploading the pictures to the baby website with HTML might be too difficult for Brad, and I won't have the time to do it all!

6:35 AM  

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