Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sick Day Asinine Thoughts

My stomach has been doing a reenactment of every Civil War in history this week. It's really not happy with me. So long as I don't eat anything, drink anything, think about food, think about moving from the couch, don't turn my head too quickly, then it's okay. Unfortunately that means that I'm watching a lot of Much More Music to pass the time, So this post will be full of comments like "I wish I had Beyonce's hair/body/talent" or "Axel Rose is too loud... all the time... he needs to use his Inside Voice." I wish I could have gotten sick NEXT week after my Sesame Street Old School DVD had come from Amazon... D'oh.

Onto Nathan's comment about Sexy Celebrity Sandwiches... that's awesome!!! "In otherwords you have to come up with celebrity pairngs you would like to be, er, sandwiched between in intimate circumstances. Of course you must pick celebrities who's personalities or other qualities are complimentary."
Now my question is: does it have to be a man and a woman? Or can I just be stuck between George Clooney and Anderson Cooper? Because if that's the case, there's no contest. They're both gorgeous and so damn smart and have nice smiles... we could all hang out and figure out how to save the world, and they could adore me. I would so love to be in that sandwich... *sigh*

What else is new? Before I got sick I saw "Pan's Labyrinth", which was very good, but pretty dark. If you're feeling strong, I'd recommend it, but it's absolutely not the thing to see if you're looking for light-hearted. It was beautiful and hard at the same time.

I've also been reading a TON while I've been sick. I re-read "Bridge to Terabethia"... it made me cry when I was a kid, and darnit, it made me cry this time too. I also started and finished "Forty Words for Sorrow" by Giles Blunt, which was very well written and interesting... a Canadian Murder Mystery. Cool, but really, REALLY creepy. I'm building up to "Bones" by Ian Burke, which my aunt said is the only book that has really scared HER, and everything scares me, so... there ya go. I probably won't sleep for a month.

Love and Gravol,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two guys, two girls, one of each, whatever you're into. It is your fantasy after all ;D I'm having trouble with this one, as I just don't know the names of that many celebrities!

I know a couple other people who have had the bug you describe, and by day 4 you will be your normal self again, just a little week because you won't have eaten anything for the previous 3 days.

In the mean time, you should go to the Katamari website, and download the buddy they have. He rolls around your screen and stuff!

Feel better soon!

10:43 PM  
Blogger Sheila said...

I had that stomach thing too. I was, er, explosive for quite a few days. =D The worst was last Monday when I was convinced I was going to throw up and I had a fever and I kept waking up every couple of hours to go to the bathroom. After that it slowly got better. So about a week and a half of uncomfortableness and you'll be fine. In the meantime, icky.

As for celebrity sandwiches, I think I'll have to pick Brendan Fraser and Viggo Mortensen. Both too hot and fun by far. =D

7:45 AM  

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