Saturday, January 27, 2007

"The Trouble Is I'm Tired"

Okay, before you read this, watch this:

Be Gentle With Me - The Boy Least Likely To

Generally, marionettes creep me out, but I've loved this song for ages... anyway...
Did you listen to the lyrics? This is tonight's theme song ("please be gentle with me..."). Tonight has been wicked depressing ("before I just fizzle out and die"). Two of my friends attacked me with angry rants about their lives, and then another friend aimed a magnifying glass on my faults ("I'm happy because I'm stupid"). Now I feel completely empty, picked apart and genuinely horrified at the state of my life and the world in general ("my heart gets broken so easily"). Jeez. I hope they feel better for their rants, because I feel like crap. ("I guess I've always needed to be needed by someone")... you see where this is going. ... but really I'm just a really cute stuffed animal... or something ;)

So the new plan for tonight is to get TOTALLY wasted and stay up till all hours watching my Sesame Street DVDs. Haha. Maybe not. I watched the first one earlier today and I was practically sedated by the end of it. It's weird how those pleasant childhood things can just instantly calm me down. Definitely time to put on the Sesame Street and turn off the phone.

The Psychiatrist is OUT!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like two of your friends need to remember that if they need to rant about how much their lives suck, there are these handy things called BLOGS to let them get it out of their systems.

And it sounds like friend number three has an even suckier life, and the only way he/she/it knows how to cope, is by making someone who's life looks far better feel small. "My life sucks so I'll hurt other people" In educator resourse books they call these people bullies, but in my books they're called losers.

Don't listen to 'em Gill. You've got a big family who all love you, you've got a great new appartment in a great location, you've got a new job with a company that treats you well, and you've got a sweet little kitty waiting for you at home.

You are the coolest person I know!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Queen of Swords said...

*hugs* What Nathan said. :) If Sesame Street and alcohol are what it takes to find a happy place again, then I say go for it! Or whatever it is, you need to go for it! How about classic Muppet Show? Fraggle Rock? I might be able to send *ahem* some trial versions down to Calgary if those are your cup of tea... Chocolate may be in order (selection is good because of Valentine's Day!), or sushi from Sobey's, or whatever good treat food you like.

If you know what you need to make it better, especially if it's brought on by something outside yourself, then do it. Because you deserve to feel happy with yourself. *hugs again*

12:52 PM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

Yup, Nathan's right on track. Couldn't have said it better!


1:40 PM  

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