Saturday, March 17, 2007

Easily Influenced

I don't have much to say tonight... Frankly, I'm just a little lonely and I'm trying to distract myself from horrendous milkshake cravings. I don't usually crave milkshakes, but tonight a little voice is screaming "Strawberry Chocolate Milkshake" ... probably because I borrowed a car from my parents, and I am therefore entirely enabled to go get a milkshake. However, I have to work tomorrow (don't ask) and I'm tired, and who needs a sugar buzz right before bed? Not me.

I went to the spa today and had a Butter Body Wrap. First they exfoliated, and then lathered me with body butter and then mummified me in various layers of plastic and blankets. I had a hard time not giggling at this very serious process, because I was imagining that this must be like tucking a Pharaoh in for a cozy, eternal sleep, sans internal organs. Really? Not so amusing, but when you're naked and wrapped in plastic almost anything is funny. Then this reminded me of an "article" I read that explained the term "Graveyard Shift." The article explained that cemeteries in the Victorian period were running out of space, and caskets were exhumed from burial sites to make room for new caskets. Apparently, they found a number of scratch marks on the inside of the caskets from people who were buried alive, so they started attaching strings with bells to the wrists of the corpses, and hired someone to work nights, listening for the bells of the living dead... eeeeauw. I'm not sure I really buy this story, but dude, how creepy is THAT??? And really, what kind of a sick monkey am I to be thinking of this when I'm supposed to be relaxing at the spa? My mind... I don't get it either.

Now on that happy note... time for bed!
Night Night! Don't get buried alive :)
P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some truth to the phenomenon.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Apartment Girl said...

Hmmm, interesting! Thanks!

8:43 PM  

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