Sunday, March 04, 2007

One Two Cha Cha Cha

So THAT was an interesting night.

During dinner last night, K and I discussed her preference for a certain young man in our salsa class, who I shall refer to as B. K jumped over the moon when B came to the party last night, and settled himself down to talk to her and dance with her. Immediately, feeling like I should give them some space, I decided to look eager so that guys would ask me to dance. It worked, specifically for one guy who is an awesome dancer, but grabby in a big way. As a result, I danced quite a bit, but mostly with Mr. Grabby. Mr. Grabby was unaware of the etiquette of saying "thank you" and parting after one dance. Mr. Grabby wasn't interested in sharing, despite the fact that I made him aware that I was too old for his advances. Mr. Grabby didn't care, and he was a good dancer, and K and B were off making googley-eyes in the corner so I danced, and complained about the merengue until I danced with an AWESOME merengue dancer, thus learning to love the merengue. I also learned how to Cha Cha, which I LOOOOOVE! Cha Cha may be my new favourite dance! So easy, but it looks really great! I sat out the sambas, and tried to figure out the samba line dance (hot!) At one point I got fed up with Mr. Grabby and escaped to the hall to make a phone call ("Pleeeeease keep me on the phone so I don't need to go back in there!") until K came to find me, proclaiming that we could leave, and that she had been kissed, which thrilled me to no end!

Over-all, it was a successful night. I really love salsa, in spite of the creepy, grabby guys. I'm really thrilled for K, too. Wanna give it a try (the dancing, not the kissing)? These should help you out!

Wanna see some slick Cha Cha?
...I'll NEVER be that good!

Samba Line Dance

You can practice to Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie"... it's a samba!

LA Style Salsa

This is the style of Salsa I do... I'm nowhere near this good, but I CAN do a lot of the spins that they do :D

This is a little more basic Salsa... apparently dancing in your lingerie helps! Who knew?

... (video is pretty rough quality) Not about the foot movements, more about shaking your ass and doing spins. It looks complicated, but it's not... I did almost all of these spins last night.

Enjoy! Let me know if you want to go practice at Don Quixotes one night :)



Blogger Nathan said...

Sounds like these classes also need to teach you how to slap your dance partner!

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More appropriate would be a section on 'How not to be a creepy letch' for the 'gentlemen' in the class.

4:53 PM  

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