Saturday, March 03, 2007

I Enjoy Being A Girl

Work was yucky this week, and I was mighty relieved when Friday rolled around. This morning I was having a good dream, so I decided to forget about cleaning the house and sleep till noon instead. And then? I got up and read for two hours. And then? I decided to spend the next two hours getting all dolled up to go to a Salsa Party tonight... yuh-huh... sometimes living alone is not so bad. I'm not sure anyone would be understanding enough to put up with me shaking my ass to Gwen Stefani while playing with eyeshadow and pinning my hair all afternoon. But now??? I'm pretty and sparkly and my hair is all pinned up with a big fake flower and I'm relaxed!!! And not thinking about work!!! It's la dolce vita, baby!

Hey! You!
Go spoil yourself, you deserve it!


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