Sunday, March 25, 2007

Finger Paint The Sky (Til Everything Shines)

Well? It's been a helluva week, and I've sat down to post about it a bajillion times, but the words won't come. So I'll try to be concise and let Great Big Sea do most of the talking.

Work... there are a lot of words to describe my week at work... but my family reads this blog... so I'll just say *eh hem* Work Sucked A LOT this week.

My parents are moving. Probably to Nova Scotia...

Dear Universe... I hear that when I send ideas out to you, you will respond. Please note that I said "IF my parents moved to Vancouver Island"... not Nova Scotia... Let's meet and discuss this. Here are a few questions in preparation for our meeting.

Should I move out to Nova Scotia? We all know I'm a Family Girl, as documented in the Great Vancouver Disaster (the horror, THE HORROR!!!)

Should I go do my Yoga Instructor Certification in San Francisco and then move to the East and do Yoga type things?

Is Great Big Sea trying to tell me something? Am I a loser standing in line waiting for my time....? Is it my time to move? To the East Coast? And Finger Paint the sky?

To conclude, Universe... I'm not good at hints... Please advise.

Much Love,

P.S. The new Avatar is meant to show the "East Coast Yoga" me... think it suits me?

P.P.S. Dear Alan Doyle, with your big head... I love you... don't steer me wrong, here. In case you've forgotten who I am, here is a picture of us together... Please note the smitten grin on your face, and the starstruck look on my. BTW, isn't my dress totally cute? I think so too...


Blogger Sheila said...

Hey Gill. I don't want any of you to move! I mean, I understand the reasons behind all of it, and I can see the appeal, but I think I'd miss you all too much. That being said, it might be a good thing, both for your parents and for you. It's hard to stay in a place (city, job, life pattern) when you're not happy and nothing you do seems to fix it. I know it's a scary thing to think about moving anywhere, but at least you'd have some of your family and who knows? You might feel more yourself, more relaxed, more at peace, more HAPPY doing something completely different in a new place. I wouldn't rule it out completely. I guess maybe wait and see what happens with your Mom and Dad and then go from there. Whatever your decision, know that Nathan and I will support you in it. And of course, then we'll have to visit! =D

8:10 AM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

lol - I never realized how big Alan's head actually is!!

11:11 AM  

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