Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Links, Links, Links to Set You Free!

I've run across a few tidbits of information over the past few days that people of the INFJ persuasion might find interesting...

Grammar Girl - Helpful grammar tips and podcasts! Lovely!

I was listening to CBC Radio - Freestyle the other day and they were discussing lists, which they affectionately referred to as "Itty Bitty Utopias." Here is their List of List Websites :)
- Top Ten Lists... of everything.
- This is intense... Catalogue your life, and get suggestions for other things you might like.
- Inspires savvy list-making!
- The best of the best... of everything.
- This one is also a little intense... people from all over the world write what they want to do, and this catalogues your goals... and everyone else's.

Here are two other helpful websites for those who crave X-TREME ORGANISATION!
- Stikkit.com - Sticky Note Heaven
- I Want Sandy - Your personal email assistant!

I am completely stoked about using all of these :)



Blogger Wide Lawns said...

I'm an INFJ too! We did the test in school and I was the only person in a class of 40.

Can't wait to see your links.

8:02 PM  

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