Saturday, April 29, 2006

I Heart Saturday

Saturday is the nicest day of the week. So relaxing, and still with the beautiful promise of one more day of weekend loveliness :)

I like this picture because this is how I've felt at work lately, except with coffee instead of ink. I'm going to blame it on the altitude up on the 24th floor, because coffee has been inexplicably drawn to my clothing these past two weeks. It has become more than a freaky coincidence, and is now verging on a daily, embarrassing occurrence. Thank heavens for those Tide To Go Stain removal pens. If I didn't have one stored in my purse.... well, it horrifies me to think of it. Thank you Tide. Clumsy people like me are forever indebted to you. At least this picture makes me confident that one can be cute and clumsy at the same time :) PHEW!

Today's Theme Song....hmmmm.... would have to be Rosemary Clooney's version of "Sway"... Starting Salsa lessons soon, and I'm stoked.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ummmm... what?

This is my picture of a daisy. This daisy signifies that this blog post will not have a plot, but will instead be very random. I don't remember taking this picture, but I know I did at some point. See? Random. Intense, non?

Random Thought #1: Today's Theme Song. When I post now I am going to include the day's Theme Song. ...I'm not going to explain that further, cuz it's simple.... it's.... my day's Theme Song.

*eh-hem* Today's Theme Song: "Five O'Clock World" by The Vogues... Go download it, I won't tell on you.

Random Thought #2: Today was Day 7 of the new job. I don't think I like it. I think it's cold and the people are snobs. Tomorrow I am bringing a space heater to my office, which should solve one of the problems. I might also not think that the people are so bad when I'm warmer. Being cold makes me grumpy. Honestly, I just miss my friends at ATCO. New jobs are just uncomfortable, I guess.... even when you have a great office with a view!

Random Thought #3: GO FLAMES GO!

Random Thought #4: I had excellent shoe Karma today. I've been searching for a simple pair of black Ballet flats. You'd think that was simple, but yesterday I found every colour under the sun.... and even found little Ballet flats with cherries on them, of all things. But no black ones! So I went to The Bay at lunch today and made a curious discovery. Every woman who works downtown goes shoe shopping at lunch when they're sad. The shoe department was packed, and as I perused the racks I noticed a similar look of defeat on the faces of the women, who huddled in groups of 2 or 3, holding a strappy sandal absently while venting about work. Unfulfilled Working Women UNITE.... in The Bay shoe department. At any rate I found shoes :) But they were $100 and not comfy :( so I didn't get them. But then tonight I found the same shoes for $40!!! YAY! and suddenly, they were way more comfortable ;) Weird, eh? Heehee.

Okay, wow, now that's you're all bored to tears with my Shoe Karma story, it must be time for bed.
Goodnight and good shoe luck :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Calm Blue Ocean Calm Blue Ocean

uuuugggghhhhhhhhh. So nervous. Such a stupid night. Too much sugar from three desserts at family dinner.... uggggghhhhhh. Tired but can't sleep because of nerves and sugar consumption. uggghhhhhhhhh.

I can't even find a picture of a calm blue ocean. The world is devoid of calm blue oceans.

I just saw on the news that they were baptizing homeless people in the Bow river by the downtown shelter today. Eeeeauw. I'm sorry, but that river is gross. Not to mention still filled with ice. This is spring in Alberta, people. That's a great idea. Dunk homeless people in a foul, frozen river and give them hypothermia. Happy Easter. Way to help them find God... maybe the fever will help. Or you could just give them a nice hot meal and affordable housing.... But who am I to judge???

Happy Easter everyone. Wish me luck for tomorrow!


Saturday, April 15, 2006


Well, Thursday was my last day at ATCO. It was SO hard saying goodbye to everyone, I've met so many wonderful people there. The job I won't miss at all, since it was both boring AND irritating at the same time... A strange combination ;) I won't miss the insecurity and terrible pay through the temp agency, either.

I start my new, permanent job on Monday and I'm having crazy nerves about it. I'm not nervous about the job, because I've been so bored lately and am ready for a new challenge. It's just the meeting people thing that I find hard. I always go into new jobs being shy, but at least at ATCO I was working in a room full of monkeys and it was eat-or-be-eaten and simple to rise to the challenge and become a monkey myself. Now I'm just concerned that I'll be stuck in my own office and not get to know anyone... although it IS pretty exciting that I get my own office :P I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a wonderful, fabulous new job and I should be EXCITED, not nervous!!! YAY!

Alright, perhaps I should actually DO something productive with my day (blogging doesn't count) and then I won't have time to be nervous ;)


Monday, April 03, 2006

It must be spring

It's been a very stressful time lately, so I decided it was about time to do something childish. My mum and I decided to dye Easter eggs. I haven't dyed Easter eggs in many years, but I've always liked it. Tonight I especially loved the colours of the dyes in the jars and took a photo. Pretty colours :) Pretty eggs :) Spring is on the way.