Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Heyyyyy Yoooouuu Guuu-uuuys!

I'm trying to come up with a logo for the Social Committee...
70s Baby + Power Company = Electric Company Knock-off....
Think they'll go for it? nah, me neither... but how cute would that be???
And now, cuz the song is going through my head... let's groove, shall we?
"We're gonna turn it ooooooon,
We're gonna bring you the pow-er!"


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Links, Links, Links to Set You Free!

I've run across a few tidbits of information over the past few days that people of the INFJ persuasion might find interesting...

Grammar Girl - Helpful grammar tips and podcasts! Lovely!

I was listening to CBC Radio - Freestyle the other day and they were discussing lists, which they affectionately referred to as "Itty Bitty Utopias." Here is their List of List Websites :)
- Top Ten Lists... of everything.
- This is intense... Catalogue your life, and get suggestions for other things you might like.
- Inspires savvy list-making!
- The best of the best... of everything.
- This one is also a little intense... people from all over the world write what they want to do, and this catalogues your goals... and everyone else's.

Here are two other helpful websites for those who crave X-TREME ORGANISATION!
- - Sticky Note Heaven
- I Want Sandy - Your personal email assistant!

I am completely stoked about using all of these :)


Monday, March 26, 2007

So Neurotic...

In honour of my recent COMPLETELY NEUROTIC brain activity (this Nova Scotia thing is wigging me out), and the fact that I finally learned how to post videos... I hereby present some Crazy Music Videos.

Crazy - Patsy Cline

Crazy - Britney Spears

Crazy - Aerosmith

Crazy – Gnarls Barkley

Y'all will come see me at the institution, right?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Finger Paint The Sky (Til Everything Shines)

Well? It's been a helluva week, and I've sat down to post about it a bajillion times, but the words won't come. So I'll try to be concise and let Great Big Sea do most of the talking.

Work... there are a lot of words to describe my week at work... but my family reads this blog... so I'll just say *eh hem* Work Sucked A LOT this week.

My parents are moving. Probably to Nova Scotia...

Dear Universe... I hear that when I send ideas out to you, you will respond. Please note that I said "IF my parents moved to Vancouver Island"... not Nova Scotia... Let's meet and discuss this. Here are a few questions in preparation for our meeting.

Should I move out to Nova Scotia? We all know I'm a Family Girl, as documented in the Great Vancouver Disaster (the horror, THE HORROR!!!)

Should I go do my Yoga Instructor Certification in San Francisco and then move to the East and do Yoga type things?

Is Great Big Sea trying to tell me something? Am I a loser standing in line waiting for my time....? Is it my time to move? To the East Coast? And Finger Paint the sky?

To conclude, Universe... I'm not good at hints... Please advise.

Much Love,

P.S. The new Avatar is meant to show the "East Coast Yoga" me... think it suits me?

P.P.S. Dear Alan Doyle, with your big head... I love you... don't steer me wrong, here. In case you've forgotten who I am, here is a picture of us together... Please note the smitten grin on your face, and the starstruck look on my. BTW, isn't my dress totally cute? I think so too...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Easily Influenced

I don't have much to say tonight... Frankly, I'm just a little lonely and I'm trying to distract myself from horrendous milkshake cravings. I don't usually crave milkshakes, but tonight a little voice is screaming "Strawberry Chocolate Milkshake" ... probably because I borrowed a car from my parents, and I am therefore entirely enabled to go get a milkshake. However, I have to work tomorrow (don't ask) and I'm tired, and who needs a sugar buzz right before bed? Not me.

I went to the spa today and had a Butter Body Wrap. First they exfoliated, and then lathered me with body butter and then mummified me in various layers of plastic and blankets. I had a hard time not giggling at this very serious process, because I was imagining that this must be like tucking a Pharaoh in for a cozy, eternal sleep, sans internal organs. Really? Not so amusing, but when you're naked and wrapped in plastic almost anything is funny. Then this reminded me of an "article" I read that explained the term "Graveyard Shift." The article explained that cemeteries in the Victorian period were running out of space, and caskets were exhumed from burial sites to make room for new caskets. Apparently, they found a number of scratch marks on the inside of the caskets from people who were buried alive, so they started attaching strings with bells to the wrists of the corpses, and hired someone to work nights, listening for the bells of the living dead... eeeeauw. I'm not sure I really buy this story, but dude, how creepy is THAT??? And really, what kind of a sick monkey am I to be thinking of this when I'm supposed to be relaxing at the spa? My mind... I don't get it either.

Now on that happy note... time for bed!
Night Night! Don't get buried alive :)
P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The "If" Game

I must be feeling a little lost lately because I bought a copy of Oprah's magazine which promised to "help you find the real you", and because I've been playing the "If" game all!the!time!!! You know the game... "If" this happened, and then this happened, and then all the stars aligned, THIS would be the outcome and I'd be truly happy. This game is sort of self-sabotage, I think. The stars will only align if I make them, and I will only be truly happy if I embrace the happiness in my life...
and yet....
IF my parents have their house evaluated, and IF it's worth a million dollars, and IF they move out to Vancouver Island, THEN I will quit my job, sell my condo, move to San Francisco to become a certified yoga instructor, and teach yoga on Vancouver Island... thus aligning the stars and becoming truly happy. Because? Because it's not Calgary. It's not Accounting. I'd be totally zen all!the!time!!! I dunno why I don't just quit my job and sell my condo and go be a certified yoga instructor, without the "ifs"... well, yes I guess I'm scared, and that's why. I've worked so hard to become a stable, independent, saucy, capable young woman!!! I own property! I have an okay job with kick-ass benefits! But then part of me goes "mm-hmm? now you've proven you can do it, get on with what you really WANT."
but what do I want???
... if you know, gimme a call.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Random-Thought Post

1. Daylight Savings... why? I really needed that hour of sleep! Thanks for taking that away... you guys suck, whoever you are...

2. My calendar also says that tomorrow is Commonwealth Day. Does anyone know what that's about? And why isn't is a holiday?

3. I'm awfully sore from painting a co-worker's bathroom yesterday. Painting a ceiling while standing in a tilting victorian clawfoot bathtub apparently uses some muscles that I wasn't aware I owned. In conclusion, OWY!!!

4. I AM working on my list of Things to do Before I Die, as inspired by my brother and sister-in-law. The thing is that I've realised just how many things I have to do before I die, so I thought maybe I should take a few off the list before I wrote it... oh my... I have a lot to do, I guess I'd better start living!

5. It's all lovely and spring-like outside, so the creative part of my brain has started defrosting and I have a few little "projects" on the go... none of them involve painting or victorian clawfoot bathtubs. If I had a scanner I'd share them with you... sadly, I don't. If I find one, I will post them.

I think that's it for now... just wanted to let y'all know that I'm still alive!


Sunday, March 04, 2007

One Two Cha Cha Cha

So THAT was an interesting night.

During dinner last night, K and I discussed her preference for a certain young man in our salsa class, who I shall refer to as B. K jumped over the moon when B came to the party last night, and settled himself down to talk to her and dance with her. Immediately, feeling like I should give them some space, I decided to look eager so that guys would ask me to dance. It worked, specifically for one guy who is an awesome dancer, but grabby in a big way. As a result, I danced quite a bit, but mostly with Mr. Grabby. Mr. Grabby was unaware of the etiquette of saying "thank you" and parting after one dance. Mr. Grabby wasn't interested in sharing, despite the fact that I made him aware that I was too old for his advances. Mr. Grabby didn't care, and he was a good dancer, and K and B were off making googley-eyes in the corner so I danced, and complained about the merengue until I danced with an AWESOME merengue dancer, thus learning to love the merengue. I also learned how to Cha Cha, which I LOOOOOVE! Cha Cha may be my new favourite dance! So easy, but it looks really great! I sat out the sambas, and tried to figure out the samba line dance (hot!) At one point I got fed up with Mr. Grabby and escaped to the hall to make a phone call ("Pleeeeease keep me on the phone so I don't need to go back in there!") until K came to find me, proclaiming that we could leave, and that she had been kissed, which thrilled me to no end!

Over-all, it was a successful night. I really love salsa, in spite of the creepy, grabby guys. I'm really thrilled for K, too. Wanna give it a try (the dancing, not the kissing)? These should help you out!

Wanna see some slick Cha Cha?
...I'll NEVER be that good!

Samba Line Dance

You can practice to Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie"... it's a samba!

LA Style Salsa

This is the style of Salsa I do... I'm nowhere near this good, but I CAN do a lot of the spins that they do :D

This is a little more basic Salsa... apparently dancing in your lingerie helps! Who knew?

... (video is pretty rough quality) Not about the foot movements, more about shaking your ass and doing spins. It looks complicated, but it's not... I did almost all of these spins last night.

Enjoy! Let me know if you want to go practice at Don Quixotes one night :)


Saturday, March 03, 2007

I Enjoy Being A Girl

Work was yucky this week, and I was mighty relieved when Friday rolled around. This morning I was having a good dream, so I decided to forget about cleaning the house and sleep till noon instead. And then? I got up and read for two hours. And then? I decided to spend the next two hours getting all dolled up to go to a Salsa Party tonight... yuh-huh... sometimes living alone is not so bad. I'm not sure anyone would be understanding enough to put up with me shaking my ass to Gwen Stefani while playing with eyeshadow and pinning my hair all afternoon. But now??? I'm pretty and sparkly and my hair is all pinned up with a big fake flower and I'm relaxed!!! And not thinking about work!!! It's la dolce vita, baby!

Hey! You!
Go spoil yourself, you deserve it!