Saturday, January 27, 2007

"The Trouble Is I'm Tired"

Okay, before you read this, watch this:

Be Gentle With Me - The Boy Least Likely To

Generally, marionettes creep me out, but I've loved this song for ages... anyway...
Did you listen to the lyrics? This is tonight's theme song ("please be gentle with me..."). Tonight has been wicked depressing ("before I just fizzle out and die"). Two of my friends attacked me with angry rants about their lives, and then another friend aimed a magnifying glass on my faults ("I'm happy because I'm stupid"). Now I feel completely empty, picked apart and genuinely horrified at the state of my life and the world in general ("my heart gets broken so easily"). Jeez. I hope they feel better for their rants, because I feel like crap. ("I guess I've always needed to be needed by someone")... you see where this is going. ... but really I'm just a really cute stuffed animal... or something ;)

So the new plan for tonight is to get TOTALLY wasted and stay up till all hours watching my Sesame Street DVDs. Haha. Maybe not. I watched the first one earlier today and I was practically sedated by the end of it. It's weird how those pleasant childhood things can just instantly calm me down. Definitely time to put on the Sesame Street and turn off the phone.

The Psychiatrist is OUT!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sick Day Asinine Thoughts

My stomach has been doing a reenactment of every Civil War in history this week. It's really not happy with me. So long as I don't eat anything, drink anything, think about food, think about moving from the couch, don't turn my head too quickly, then it's okay. Unfortunately that means that I'm watching a lot of Much More Music to pass the time, So this post will be full of comments like "I wish I had Beyonce's hair/body/talent" or "Axel Rose is too loud... all the time... he needs to use his Inside Voice." I wish I could have gotten sick NEXT week after my Sesame Street Old School DVD had come from Amazon... D'oh.

Onto Nathan's comment about Sexy Celebrity Sandwiches... that's awesome!!! "In otherwords you have to come up with celebrity pairngs you would like to be, er, sandwiched between in intimate circumstances. Of course you must pick celebrities who's personalities or other qualities are complimentary."
Now my question is: does it have to be a man and a woman? Or can I just be stuck between George Clooney and Anderson Cooper? Because if that's the case, there's no contest. They're both gorgeous and so damn smart and have nice smiles... we could all hang out and figure out how to save the world, and they could adore me. I would so love to be in that sandwich... *sigh*

What else is new? Before I got sick I saw "Pan's Labyrinth", which was very good, but pretty dark. If you're feeling strong, I'd recommend it, but it's absolutely not the thing to see if you're looking for light-hearted. It was beautiful and hard at the same time.

I've also been reading a TON while I've been sick. I re-read "Bridge to Terabethia"... it made me cry when I was a kid, and darnit, it made me cry this time too. I also started and finished "Forty Words for Sorrow" by Giles Blunt, which was very well written and interesting... a Canadian Murder Mystery. Cool, but really, REALLY creepy. I'm building up to "Bones" by Ian Burke, which my aunt said is the only book that has really scared HER, and everything scares me, so... there ya go. I probably won't sleep for a month.

Love and Gravol,

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lazy Sunday

This is the first Sunday Afternoon in the longest time where I find myself with nothing to do. The Resolutions are still going strong, so my place is clean and my laundry is done and now I'm completely lost!!! Isn't there something I should be doing? So I'm making a CD and drinking excessive amounts of coffee. Heh heh. My life is thrilling.

I also switched over to the new blogger. I'm not sure I'm going to keep up with blogging, because it seems that I have very little to say lately. Probably that's just because it's January and I'm practically hibernating, but we'll see. I daresay that soon my life will get very exciting... Like today? I might tidy up my bookshelves... damn, I'm living on the edge ;)

Hmmm. What else? I was on the bus yesterday and overhead a few 14-year-olds discussing which was "sexier".... "Seeya" or "Later." Thoughts? Opinions? Their general consensus was that "seeya" was sexier. Teenagers are weird. I'm in denial that I was ever like that. When I was their age I totally walked two miles to school, uphill both ways and did my homework on the back of a shovel... or something ;)



Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ooooh, Shiny....

So Shaw has this new toy called Photoshare for people (like me) with Shaw accounts. You can make nifty little slideshows and put them to music and put them online. It's so much fun! I've spent basically the whole evening playing with it, and this is what I came up with. Just a bunch of shots from my adventures in BC and Alberta, all to the lilting music of Great Big Sea :)

In other news, it’s been a bad week. One of those weeks at work where everything goes wrong and the people are stressed and act vile towards their inferiors and every event only serves to make you more disheartened about your job. I spent most of today trying to calm it all away by listening to classical music and ducking under my desk when someone came my way with that “oppressed and angry” expression on their face.

At noon I went to Staples because, for some reason, stationary gives me sense of peace and clarity. That helped, as did the Magnetic Combo Board that I got for half-price (sweet!) It includes 1 magnetic dry erase board, 1 magnetic dry erase calendar and a section of cork, all on one convenient board. It also comes with cute jewel magnets, photo magnets, clips, pins and markers. I have hung it between my desk and my fridge (at home), so that I will be so organized, cool, calm, collected, and know exactly what night I’m going to clean the bathroom and do laundry. The unfortunate thing is that it’s fairly unattractive and it doesn’t go with my condo’s “theme”, which I like to describe as “Eclectic French Vintage Café/Moderne Bibliotheque.” Okay, I just made that up on the spot, but that’s the feel I get from it, so I’m going with it.
*fantasizing about future biographies re: myself*
“The early fashion and interior design themes by G have been described as ‘Eclectic French Vintage Café/Moderne Bibliotheque’ for her bold use of colour embraced in the context of classic lines. Furniture and textiles span generations; complimentary colour palates framed with large pieces in white and pine. Vintage Art Posters featuring black frames and bookshelves line the walls, coyly inviting interpretations of the intertextuality of Art and Beauty.”

Ahhh, one day ;) But what was I saying? Oh yes. The silver metallic frame of said Magnetic Combo Board does nothing for me, so I’m going to have to see if I can find a wood frame in a thrift store and paint it red or something.

Haha! K I’m out ;)

Monday, January 01, 2007

A Fresh Start!

Ahhh, a new year, fresh beginnings, new ideas! Isn’t it exciting?

Usually I don’t do resolutions, but 2006 has been leading up to a variety of spectacular things for 2007, so here goes nothing:

Resolutions for 2007

1. Find Romance (and not run for the hills screaming when something promising shows up)

In the words of my therapist, just because one person thinks that the things you enjoy are boring or silly doesn’t mean that other people feel the same way. Thus, I am not a boring or silly person and I shouldn’t automatically assume that someone is crazy for liking those things about me. This may seem obvious to everyone else, but this is a big epiphany for me!

2. Make more spreadsheets and lists to track things like bill payments, chores, meal planning, etc so that I am less neurotic at 3am trying to remember when my phone bill is due or when I’m going to clean the bathroom.

3. DO NOT, under any circumstance, let my pile of laundry reach a terrifying and incomprehensible state. Don’t let the hamper overflow at all, in fact. This is a serious offense, with a punishment of NO READING until the laundry is under control.

4. Be more creative (aka: my brain is there for a reason.) This includes infusing more creativity into everyday tasks, and making an effort to do more creative projects, such as writing and other artsy stuff every day. This is particularly important when coupled with having lists and spreadsheets. It may not seem very creative to clean the bathroom on Tuesdays and clean the kitchen on Thursdays, but it will definitely spare me from long Sundays spent cleaning when I could be doing fun and creative things! Plus, let’s face it. If I know I have to clean the bathroom THAT NIGHT, then I will be less likely to veg on the couch all evening and will have more energy to be creative post-cleaning.

That’s all I have for now, but I think having 4 resolutions is far more realistic than having 55 anyway. One must have attainable goals, after all. Considering that all of these things ARE, in fact, things that I used to do all the time, I think it’s fairly realistic for me to expect to achieve this. Well, except the laundry thing. I’ve never really had that one down. But yes, at one point I liked boys who liked me back, and I had spreadsheets and I was artsy, and I can have that again! I CAN AND WILL! Because this is 2007, baby, and this is gonna be my year! … but y’all can share it too, I don’t mind.

Love and best wishes for 2007!!!
